Ai Khodijahs complete sholawat collection application with offline mp3 musicSholawat is a form of prayer and praise for the Prophet as worship to Allah SWT, with this sholawat collection application it makes it easier for all of you to continue chanting sholawat, Application in one hand that is easy to use, available offline without quota, with loud music, complete collection of sholawat .audio music : Adfayta Al Hijrotu Sholeh child Assalam Busyrolana Rajab Prayer Huwannur Innal Habibal Mustofa Laa Ilaha Illa Allah Labaikallah Eid Li Homsatun Man Ana Mugrom Muhammad Ibni Abdillah Natawassal Bill Hubabah Ramadan Rohmaka Ya Robbal Ibadi Rohman Yes Rohman Saduna FidunyaRed PrayerPeace be upon youAsyghil prayersBurdah prayersSholawat BusyroPrayers for NahdliyahShollu Alaa Khoiril anamshooqShaykhonaThohirul QolbiUmmmWahdanaSahar TimeYes Ayyuhan ProphetYes Muhaimin Yes SalamYes NafsutiYasir LanaIstighfar GabrielSholawat MunjiyatThank you for taking your time to read this text, enjoy the application of the collection of prayers by Ai Khodijah